Saturday, May 7, 2011


So, how's everyone doing? Shout out to the 3rd follower! :)
It feels really good to know, that someone actually decided to take a look here. Special thanks to the guy with random nick generator, it seems like he'll be of some use during my story writing days (lol, I don't mean this in any offensive way ofc :D)
So, the 4th chapter is still being developed. It turns out, and I should say this right a way, that the days when I have the most free time in in winter and autumn so my work will be indeed slower than before, so I decided to post a couple of random posts (not going away from the topic too much ofc) once in a while.
Strangely enough, I already know the how the last chapter will go :D So the story is done already, all that's missing is to put it all on a piece of paper and involve loads dialogues and character development (bah!)
So, that will be it for the time being. Like always, I appreciate all the support (3 people is already more than I expected to have at this point :)).

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